OK, this post is in dedication to Sam. Today at lunch, we were eating some delicious Hostess Blueberry muffins. And when we opened up this huge bag we found 4 little itsy bitsy PITIFUL muffins. I mean, if you dare call them muffins. They are more like cookies for dolls. Seriously! And these things are expensive too. I remember we used to eat them and they were descent sized, But now they are like, "Oops, I accidentally inhaled it....." Oh well, I suppose that's because of the economy today. ^_^ Any who... On to happier topics. I'm excited, because Friday after school, my mom said that I can go to the theater production that my school. I'm EXCITED!!! I also get something like a three dollar discount for the tickets, AND 3 % extra credit because I'm in Theater 1B. So that's fun..... BTW you guys, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come to it too (if your parents let you) so i won't be lonely. :( Please don't leave me there all alone, by myself, cold and lost. PLEASE!!!! (Now imagine me giving you the puppy dog eyes, that you can't resist)0_O Ha ha.. well anyways, don't forget to post you comments!
Farewell, Adios, Oravua (Sp?), Sianora, and all that goodbye stuff,
P.S. That last sentence was from the The Aristocats. For all you Disney Classic fans out there. :)
Yesss I have a post dedicated to ME! Don't forget we still have to compare the blueberry muffins to the choco chip ones. 8]
oh ya! For sure!!!